Lohmann Brown Hens

I was told yesterday that Lohmann Roosters are quite a disappointing creature. They sell them at $0.25 each. They assume they are going to feed people's pets. You might want to try a different breed for your roosters. Just the info I got yesterday when I picked up my 25 hen chicks.
I would really be interested in what you were told, or heard , about the Lohmann Brown Roosters .............. I recently got 10 pullets & ended up bringing home a rooster also... they were hatched January 21st, so they are about 8 weeks old. So far, the pullets are much more inquisitive than the rooster is!! So could you please let me know what you've been told about them. Thanks!!
hey, we've kept lohman browns for years, they are pretty common in scotland. Are you wanting a rooster to breed? i dont think you get lohman chicks because they dont breed true? as they are hybrid? i could be totally wrong...dont know wjat you could breed them with...someone on here probably would know. There is abig long page about sex linked chooks but it's way over my head!
ive got some Marans and some araucana eggs in the incy just now..really excited!
hey, we've kept lohman browns for years, they are pretty common in scotland. Are you wanting a rooster to breed? i dont think you get lohman chicks because they dont breed true? as they are hybrid? i could be totally wrong...dont know wjat you could breed them with...someone on here probably would know. There is abig long page about sex linked chooks but it's way over my head!
ive got some Marans and some araucana eggs in the incy just now..really excited!
I am totally new at the Lohman Browns -- I knew someone who was getting a huge amount of them from a hatchery out of Idaho and I asked ahead of time to buy some when they got to be about 6 weeks old or so, and I picked them up 2 weeks ago Sunday. I did a little looking on the internet and there really isn't alot on them. Everything that I read, said they lay close to 300 eggs/year, which is great (not as good as a Leghorn, but still good), plus their good temperment, is the main reason I decided to try them out. I brought home 10 pullets & they had a rooster out of the same hatch (which was not supposed to happen, coming from a big hatchery) and they were going to kill him, so I decided to bring him home.... not knowing anything about the LB roosters. I really would like to find out info on them..... I realize that most breeds, after their first molt, will not put out the eggs as before the molt, but I would like to know if I am wasting my time & efforts on them -- hoping that they will at least be good for the first couple years, anyway. And again, I know nothing about the rooster: what kind of chicks will I end up with if I hatch out eggs that were fertilized by him, from one of the pullets?

The more information you can give me, the better!!! Thanks so much for any help!
well, we ended up with a cockrel too but we live in a res area so couldn't keep him! he tasted good though..
i think i'm right in saying lohman hens bred with lohman cocks wont necessarily produce a lohman. But i've just picked up some more chicks from the same farm and some will have lohman cock genes so i'll let you know.
as for the eggs, they are great layers, great temperment, we still have one that is 4 years old and she doesn't lay as much as the younger ones but she is still a good layer. I dont really get emotional about my chooks but she's a wee keeper! they are very hardy (it's cold in scotland) and resilient to bugs etc.
Defo a good purchase and althoug i have a couple marans on the go and some arauacanas, i'd never stop keeping lohmans..
We have recently hatched out eggs that came from our Lohmann rooster and Black Copper Marans hens. The hatch rate has been excellent so the roo is definitely fertile. Some have been black/brown mix and the latest ones were white with black spots. We are very anxious to see what they turn out like. My husband was hoping to produce a hen that would lay nice eggs like the Lohmann but darker like the Marans. Don't know much about genetics but we are having fun! We'll see how they turn out.
hello and welcome, i believe i have lohman brown hens too and they are very tame,nice, and friendly. they are good egg layers to and aren't much to worry about :)
This is my first year to raise chickens. I have 1 Rhode Island Rooster
5 American Game hens, 1 White Leghorn and 2 Rhode Island Hens.
I have raised the Rhode Island's and the Leghorn from chicks. The Game Hens was given to me. I'm really enjoying my chickens. Like sitting and watching them. My rooster is really calm and laid back. My Rhode Island hens are very curious. They seem to think every time I go into the yard I have something for them. They have to check out anything I'm holding.
My Leghorn will eat out of my hand. But as soon as the food is gone she goes on her way.
My Game Hens are just starting to settle down and relax. They are very loud and comical to watch.
Would like to add about 4 Lohmann Browns to the mix. I have been reading about the Lohmann and think they would do really good with the rest of my brood.
This is my first year to raise chickens. I have 1 Rhode Island Rooster
5 American Game hens, 1 White Leghorn and 2 Rhode Island Hens.
I have raised the Rhode Island's and the Leghorn from chicks. The Game Hens was given to me. I'm really enjoying my chickens. Like sitting and watching them. My rooster is really calm and laid back. My Rhode Island hens are very curious. They seem to think every time I go into the yard I have something for them. They have to check out anything I'm holding.
My Leghorn will eat out of my hand. But as soon as the food is gone she goes on her way.
My Game Hens are just starting to settle down and relax. They are very loud and comical to watch.
Would like to add about 4 Lohmann Browns to the mix. I have been reading about the Lohmann and think they would do really good with the rest of my brood.

Welcome, ljmarc. Where are you located? I raise Lohmann Browns and they are wonderful !!!
We have recently hatched out eggs that came from our Lohmann rooster and Black Copper Marans hens. The hatch rate has been excellent so the roo is definitely fertile. Some have been black/brown mix and the latest ones were white with black spots.
Very interesting. We hatched the eggs from a Lohman Brown hen and a Swedish Black rooster, and that is exactly what the two chicks looked like:

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We are very interested in the Lohmann Browns and are actively searching to purchase. We are located in Oregon as well and wondered if you could help with info. in regards to where to purchase? Thank you for your time!

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