Lone chickie


Nov 13, 2022
Cut Off Louisiana
One lone chicken hatched from a clutch we found outside. She is about 3 weeks old now. Would it be safe to go ahead and move it outside into the small coop we have? I live in south louisiana so it is very warm already not getting below 70 at night. I do have 4 fully grown silkie in another coop but am scared to put baby in there because of the male. Can one of you chicken people please tell me what you would do if it was your lone baby chick.
If it were me, I would move her into a separate but connected coop so the chickens can see each other and start getting accustomed, but without risking your new pullet getting injured. I fully integrate my chicks around 8 weeks or so. She'll do best if she has a friend similar to her own age, but I realize that may not be practical in all situations.

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