Lonely Roo


Aug 2, 2019
I have one turken roo that is an older boy. I kept him with his ladies without a problem for years. He was good to them but got too dominant/aggressive around the other chickens.
He is very docile around people.
Sadly, the last of his gals has passed and the old boy is alone.
Should I try to work with his behavior and integrate him into the rest of the flock?
Should I get him more hens?

Please do not suggest making my bird dinner.
I can look into that.
Older girls sometimes need a new home. I also have a couple docile roos.
It was awful to find my girl had passed, and I can only imagine how devastated my boy must be.
I can look into that.
Older girls sometimes need a new home. I also have a couple docile roos.
It was awful to find my girl had passed, and I can only imagine how devastated my boy must be.

Yeah it’s real sad ): When you think of how all flocks are families and they mourn when one passes. Give him lots of treats and cuddles :hugs

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