long sad cat story...help!!!!

Midge died a week ago.
My daughter decided to have her put down. The vet had her on some anti-diarheal powder, which did not work for several days. Suddenly, it did. Too much. She was constipated, could not go to the bathroom at all, and was vomiting. Obviously suffering. She was on so many other meds, and the vets had no idea what was wrong, really, she was turning into just a big experiment for them, and it was putting the cat, and my daughter, through hell. I didn't know she had Midge put down til two days later when she came home for the weekend. It always hurts worse when it involves your kids, you know...
Sorry, I haven't been on here for a while...crazy time of year.
Midge died a week ago.
My daughter decided to have her put down. The vet had her on some anti-diarheal powder, which did not work for several days. Suddenly, it did. Too much. She was constipated, could not go to the bathroom at all, and was vomiting. Obviously suffering. She was on so many other meds, and the vets had no idea what was wrong, really, she was turning into just a big experiment for them, and it was putting the cat, and my daughter, through hell. I didn't know she had Midge put down til two days later when she came home for the weekend. It always hurts worse when it involves your kids, you know...
Sorry, I haven't been on here for a while...crazy time of year.
I am so very sorry to hear this, but understand what your daughter was going through with that poor little kitty. I know it sounds trite, but it really sounds as if this is the best that could have happened. Doctors, for human or animal sometimes do forget they are working with lives that mean something and just seem to go on looking for a 'cure' to get their name in a book. Not all, believe me, but I've run across quite a few in my life.

God bless and I hope that the pain leaves soon and the good memories flood you all with happiness and contentment.
Thank you so much. We appreciate everyone's support. There's a reason for everything, and I'm sure it was a learning experience for her. She is staying busy and she was fortunate that her roommate, boyfriend, and brother all either went with her to the vets, or were there to support her that evening.
I'm so sorry. Every now and then there is an animal that doesn't follow the book and cats aren't great on telling you that they don't feel well. I just changed vets because they were more interested in making money than my pets. I have 2 dogs and 7 cats. 2 weeks ago my husband found my cat dead by my chair. He hadn't been sick. Yesterday, my border collie got hit by a car and I had to literarily scrape him off the road. No one stopped to say they had hit him. It was 5:30 am and I was out feeding the chickens. In time maybe your daughter will find another that she can heal with. Let her know how sorry I am. God Bless you both. :(
OMG, that's so horrible!!! I'm so sorry! Makes me so flaming mad when someone can't at least stop to say they're sorry. Accidents happen, but why can;t people have a little compassion, for crying out loud! Several years ago our dachshund followed my husband out to the road (and we live on a country road with little traffic) when he was taking the trash out. the dachshund dashed out in front of a car. Car hit him right in front of my husband, and killed him instantly. Never stopped. :(
Anyway, stay busy (that always helps) and try to have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Holiday season.
I'm so sorry. Every now and then there is an animal that doesn't follow the book and cats aren't great on telling you that they don't feel well. I just changed vets because they were more interested in making money than my pets. I have 2 dogs and 7 cats. 2 weeks ago my husband found my cat dead by my chair. He hadn't been sick. Yesterday, my border collie got hit by a car and I had to literarily scrape him off the road. No one stopped to say they had hit him. It was 5:30 am and I was out feeding the chickens. In time maybe your daughter will find another that she can heal with. Let her know how sorry I am. God Bless you both.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this!!! People can be so rotten! I hope you can find peace with this and know that he is in a very good place now. Your cat got to be with you until the end. Sad thing to happen but at least it didn't have to undergo the stress of a Vet visit and possibly the same results. I agree with you about the communication, I really wish they could tell us in a way we could be sure of. Again, I am so very sorry and I wish you peace.

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