long sad cat story...help!!!!

Thank you. She says Midge doesn't have fleas, and so she hasn't put any flea meds on her for two months. I believe her. She's meticulous about her care.
Her vet appt is today, and she will drop her off and leave her the whole day, so we will know by tonight what the outlook is...
In addition to the wounds, she has developed
chronic diarhea from the antibiotics. :( What a mess.
You know, I didn't even think of the antibiotics. When she gets home and if they find nothing serious, I'd be trying some yogurt on that poor cat. Vanilla or plain. Hopefully it's that simple.

Crossing my fingers for you all!
Yeah, true. I bet she could use some. I didn't think of that til you mentioned it. But, the vet said that she thinks Midge has some disease or syndrome, my daughter said she couldn't remember, or pronounce. AND her heart murmur is worse, much worse. No surprise there really.
AND she has a deformed spine, which is why her hip dislocated so easily, and a deformed skull (we knew that), Some of her wounds are so deep they can't stitch them. And she has a neurological disorder, too. All that being said, she's probably a candidate for the Rainbow Bridge, but they want to consult with Ohio State University vet clinic now, before they decide whether she is worth saving. All I can tell my daughter to do at this point is to keep a rein on the spending, and hope that she knows when to say ENOUGH ALREADY. It is so too bad, because Midge is such a little fighter, and she loves to play and watch the birds, and everything else a young cat should enjoy. Life is not fair a lot of times. :/ She is home now with her baby tee shirt on again and cheerful for the time being at least.
I really am sorry to hear that. It's never easy saying "enough" when it comes to a pet, never mind one that you've fought so hard for already.
Oh dear, I really feared there may be more going on with her, I just didn't want to say it
I feel for your daughter who is fighting so hard for her little cat but as you say sometimes you have to know when to stop, please keep us updated X
I am so very, very sorry. I believe your daughter will make the right decisions about Midge because she loves that little cat and none of us want to see a loved one suffer. It's an awful hard lesson to learn, but sometimes we have to love strongly enough to be able to let go. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. And please, do let us know what happens, as we are all in this with you and your daughter.
I'm so sorry for all you've been through. As a cat lover myself and presently have 8 . (Did I really admit that out loud?). I have 2 thoughts, maybe she needs a companion. Some cats do not do well on their own especially if she is left alone a lot. (I'm not saying that that is the solution, but I've placed a cat in a pet free home and they brought it back because it wanted to be more social. The girl who adopted "trouble" worked and went to school.
My 2nd thought is to find another vet that will take the time to talk with you about possible solutions. Some vets treat the pet and others go a further step to help you treat the pet. They are NOT all alike.
Finally, putting her own is another, passing absolutely no judgement. It's always a tough call and only you can make the decision. Do not let guilt get in the way. It sure sounds like you all have taken the very best care that you could. I believe that God gives us animals for comfort and enjoyment but not to deplete all our funds. Unfortunately, there are always more out there that can use a warm and loving home. Take care (sending hugs)

After posting this, I realized that I had 2 thoughts and a finally. Sorry.
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Thanks she would love a companion, I'm sure. Midge had a ball this past summer, living during the day on our screened in porch, with our laid back older male cat
Inky as her best bud. But I'm not sure my daughter could handle two. I know her roomate couldn't. :(
Thanks to good ol Google, I found out what she has. I can't remember the scientific term either, but the layman's term is "weird cat
syndrome". And that's exactly what they do, chew themselves up, b/c the theory is they feel crawly under the flesh. It's a stress disorder.
The simplest treatment is absolute routine, and simple diet. But she may be beyond that at this point.
Thanks she would love a companion, I'm sure. Midge had a ball this past summer, living during the day on our screened in porch, with our laid back older male cat
Inky as her best bud.  But I'm not sure my daughter could handle two.  I know her roomate couldn't. :(
Thanks to good ol Google, I found out what she has.  I can't remember the scientific term either, but the layman's term is "weird cat
syndrome".  And that's exactly what they do, chew themselves up, b/c the theory is they feel crawly under the flesh.  It's a stress disorder. 
The simplest treatment is absolute routine, and simple diet.  But she may be beyond that at this point.

Two cat's are not always the solution, but sometimes. I've never heard of that. I'm still so sorry. My kitties mean so much to me. Keep us posted.

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