Long time chicken keeper

Feb 20, 2021
Salem, Oregon
Hello! I'm Karen. I currently have two buff orpingtons, two americaunas, and one black australorp. They are great little gals and are a joy to watch!
I grew up keeping chickens and especially love the process of brooding chicks and raising them. When I was in highschool I used to compete in the poultry judging division of the FFA and in 4 H.
It has been such a long time since I've really been a part of the chicken community and I have missed it very much!
I enjoy passing on the love of raising these wonderful birds to my kids. They hope to hatch some eggs from an incubator soon, but we only have five hens at the moment, no rooster to fertilize our eggs. We will need to get some fertile eggs from our friends' mixed flock. They have some silver laced polish crested, buff orpingtons, and some little bantams. They also have some freedom rangers, but those guys are pretty big. They wouldn't really be comfortable in our coop.
Anyway, I have joined to see if I can make some friends, remember some of the things I learned a long time ago but have forgotten, share photos of my flock and document how the incubating venture goes.

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