Long time owner ,first time hatching!


Jul 17, 2019
S. Fla
Hello my fellow chicken folk,
I have had pet chickens for years , but am new to hatching.
I jumped at the chance to incubate some eggs, along with other teachers at my school.
I have two eggs and we are on day 21 ,One egg is making small movements and we can hear small peeps, no pipping as of yet.
My question would be, can I take them home(unplug incubator) to watch (video) them while they hatch at my home this weekend?
Thank you,
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As long as the trip isn't too long, I think you can, just wrap the Bator in blankets/towels you keep it warm. You even might be able to find an ac plug adapter for a car.
A quick trip will be ok. Not more than like 15 minutes and make sure to insulate it well.

AND as a first time hatcher- don't feel obligated to help! Hatching is a long, arduous process that rips at all of your heartstrings. Let them hatch on their own unless there is a clear problem.
A quick trip will be ok. Not more than like 15 minutes and make sure to insulate it well.

AND as a first time hatcher- don't feel obligated to help! Hatching is a long, arduous process that rips at all of your heartstrings. Let them hatch on their own unless there is a clear problem.
Thanks so much . I am leaving them but will check them over the weekend.

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