Look at my pretty White Holland Turkeys!

They usually start laying around nine months. Mine started in January with an egg here or there, but didn't actually start laying regular until February or March.
Gee, I wonder why they look like your's! LOL They've gotten big since the last time you saw these three, huh? And to think, you used to be able to hold one in one hand. Now, they're hellish to hang on to with both hands if they don't want to be messed with, like when it's time for bed..

How cute! My two bb bronze are about 4 months old now and both are toms destined for dinner. 30 lbs each as of yesterday. Does your tom display all day long? Wonder how much energy all that feather lifting takes.
No, as of now, our tom doesn't display much at all. I think I've only seen him display only about 5 times. I guess ours is just lazy. He seems to be trying more and more, so maybe he will do it much more often as he gets older.

It would probably take quite a bit of energy, to do it all day long. LOL I imagine it would be like a human flexing his muscles all day long to look bigger and more buff. LOL

The Blue or the Black and White?

The Blue is a Jersey Giant gone wrong and the Black and White is my Mottled Java stud(ain't he purty?

The Mottled Java roo, had just gotten into a fight with another roo just minute before, that is why his comb and wattle look dirty. He also "blinked" when I snapped the picture, hence the freaky eye.

I had 5 white holland turkeys. I would love to raise them from day olds for meat but also to hatch more poults. It's just that they eat so much!

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