Look at who my chicks made friends with. **PICS**

I appears that the Evil black Silkie is trying to eat your bunny. Be careful. Keep an eye on that one!
Chuckle. Too cute. You be careful or you'll have black silkie bunny crosses.
Can you imagine?

We named the coop bunny, Cadbury, in case she learned to lay eggs from living in there. She free ranges with the chickens and doesn't appear to notice the lack of feathers.
*she reads post looks outside and sees the white stuff on the ground* 80 degrees you say? uh huh I see

That is just too much cuteness in one playpen.
Oh no, save the bunny! I thought silkies only effected HUMANS!

How could you let the bunny fall under the spell!
The bunny is under the influence.

We have 85 WOOT WOOT.
Can you post some more pictures? If you don't mind I would really like to use as Easter cards from snapfish.com

idk. my bunnies skin is really loose and slippery. I might try.​

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