Look what came into my work today


11 Years
Apr 24, 2008
Detroit Michigan
I work at a veterinary Office in Detroit, and some one came in today with this little bugger.

She was trying to cross a very busy street all by her self. No other ducks in sight. The other people I work with brought her straight to me and since I have other ducks and chickens, I just "Have to take her home"

But the thing is she is wild right, shouldn't I find a rescue or rehab place for her? Does anyone know of any in the Metro Detroit Area ( south east Michigan)

How old do you think she is?
I have her set up in my brooder all comfy I just feel bad she's all alone.
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Oh.....It is so cute....Looks like a baby mallard only a few days at most!!! I remember when my babies were that little...I miss it they grow so fast...
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gee thats almost as bad as "look what followed me home" .. i so could not resist that!!
lucky .. to cute!
I'd really like her to be able to be returned to the wild if possible, I'm hoping to find some one who knows how to rehab them? Anyone? anyone? I can't buy her any frees I just added 2 ducks and chick to my crew about a month ago.

She is darn cute though...Any one know of any rescue? I guess I could just rehome her if I knew she was going to a good place.
Maybe if you could get just one friend for her and then you could send them to the wild together. Seems like it works best when they are coupled.
I was thinking that too. if that were possible, then you could raise them with as little human contact as possible, they would have each other for company even if you get the "friend" from a feed store. I rescued 2 little mallards last year and they were released in to the wild...I still see them, they have babies! They won't come near me or really acknowledge me at all, but I know they are happy!
Look at this website on wild duck rescue:


I suspect that it is not even legal for you to keep a wild duck. I'm also a little surprised, since you work in a vet's office, that the information you need is not available at your place of work.

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