My hubby and i found a chicken with about 12 hatchlings hidden in our straw bales on Saturday night. It was one of those wild gamefowl/americauna mixes that run around our neighborhood. The next day she had her chicks out and about, but there were a lot less of them. We assumed a hawk or something got them. Last night at dusk, my Hubby decided to see if he could find where they bedded down for the night in case she didn't find a safe place. We have babcat and racoons in our yard nightly. He heard distressed peeping and found 3 chilled chicks, two that he thought were dead. I put them in my incubator (they later revived, I teased my husband and said they were "zombies", lol) and we removed the rest of the chicks excpt for one from the hen. They need homes if anyone in So. Cal wants them, pm me. Here they are!