Look what my kids were using for "grenades"...


Terd of Hurtles
11 Years
Oct 23, 2008
Northwestern Minnesota
They were throwing these at each other...
and they destroyed about 4 that were bigger than my hand (they always go for the big ones....) before DH (the same DH who stomped the morel I found last year whilst screaming "it'll kill you!") came running, hyperventilating about them needing to be scrubbed down and they are going to die now and OMG how could this happen... yeah so you may be wondering WHERE the boogers found this bounty?... in grandma's front yard! 200 feet from our house! I wasnt even mushroom hunting and found about 3.5 lbs of these things!!!

OK so can we eat the stems? How do I clean them? and how do I prepare them? I sliced one up last night and ate it, to see if I reacted, and so far 13 hours later I am fine
They are morels, connected to the cap at the stem and no cottony stuff in the stem. And they are GOOD! But I dont know how to prepare them in a large amount? And I know it looks like I pulled them but I snipped them a bit jaggedly becaus I was in a hurry
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Morels can be sliced in half lengthwise and then strung with needle and thread and allowed to dry. The entire morel is edible.
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LOL I think my kids get too much candy as it is. Maybe the good meal will be enough reward as they LOVE mushrooms. But I dont know how to cook them or what to do with the stems!
The best thing to do first is to soak them in a mild salt water solution to get rid of any bugs and or dirt. A couple hours in the fridge should do nicely. Then rinse them in clean cool water and lay them on paper towels to drain. Saute them in some butter with garlic and fresh ground black pepper.

I'm home sick now... I haven't been mushroom hunting in so long

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