Looking ahead to -14 degrees!


Jun 15, 2022
I don't feel prepared for the temps coming up next weekend in NH. It seems the predictions for 2 - 3 days in a row are frigid temps as low as -15F (overnight and for 20+ hours and then only getting in the low single digits for most of the next day - at least another 14 hours) if the predictions are right. I'm trying to plan ahead for this and determine what the cut off points for when not to even let them out of their small coop to which I can add some. I've heard muscovy are more sensitive than some breeds but regardless that just seems like way too much for any duck. I know my outside water source will need to be turned off (instead of on a steady dip). Certainly will be too much for me! Ideas? Cutoffs? In the house or somewhere - maybe my shed (which is not heated) during the day!?!
I would bring my ducks into the house with those temperatures . I dont know how many ducks you have but I curreny have 4 ducks, including 3 muscovy, sleeping in a temporary dog exercise pen, in a shed. Its a lot less than 4 sq feet each, but I would keep 4 ducks in a single exercise pen in the house for 3 or 4 days with the temperatures you mention. Better cramped quarters than frozen ducks!
We got down to -6f last coldsnap and my 6 Anconas were fine in their unheated garage coop. I usually use shavings but added straw in the cold because it seems more insulating. I also have their lidded storage bin nextboxes out so they can have a confined cave to huddle in if they choose. Your biggest problem will be getting them water since it'll freeze fast at that temp.

It was 6 last night up to 17 right now at 1pm and all my birds are all outside snuggled up under a tree.


Edit: I put blanket around my exposed pipe outdoor spigot to help hold the heat.

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