looking for 3 more breeds.


In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2016
i just bought 8 chickens, a barred rock, easter egger, faverolles, wyandotte, brahma, sussex, australarp, and sex link. I was going to get some ducks but the lady that i was going to buy them from lost 15 ducks and lots of her chickens. some wandered off and some were killed by a dog. since i cant get ducks from her, i decided to just get 3 more chickens. any breeds that you gus like? i would like all different breeds in my coop. i just love veriety. im mostly looking for pretty good layers with veriety, as long as they lay pretty good im fine with that! any suggestions? what do you guys love as breeds?
I like the disposition, and looks of my Coronation Sussex, and once they start laying they lay well.
You might as well get some Marans maybe a few other wyandotte's---Blue/red laced, gold, and silver lace(don't know which one you got). Get a few old english game and silkie's, maybe a few Polish, how about a few RIR's and a few white leghorns!! That should get you going.
If you want egg layers, white leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons..
some of those that you have are seasonal layers.. and some are light layers..

I used to have all buff orps.. I kept 15 through a winter. one day when it was 20F below, I had 100% production..
No supplemental heat in the coop.
but I gave them warm water every day


I have a friend who has Sagitta. they are a hybrid, but their eggs are huge, and I mean huge. you cannot close the carton with these eggs in it..

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You might as well get some Marans maybe a few other wyandotte's---Blue/red laced, gold, and silver lace(don't know which one you got). Get a few old english game and silkie's, maybe a few Polish, how about a few RIR's and a few white leghorns!! That should get you going.

The Blue Laced Red are so beautiful! Plus, have variety of color from dark to light, Temprament is important in our mixed breed flock. A new breed to me, is Langshan. I love the colorful Swedish Flower (ours was sweet). Oh and how could I forget COCHIN!! Don't forget to consider egg color.


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