We have a flock of 50, With a mix of Delawares, Welsummers, BC Marans, Hollands, and.................Ameraucana's. There's not a single AM with her tail feathers, most look like naked necks at this point, they pile in the nest boxes ( lost two this week to the 100 degree heat plus the nest box piling ), and they are just over all skittish. The rest of the flock, act and look like chickens. The marans are in the same boat, but we have welsummers too with dark eggs, so the Marans are being replaced by them. As much as I wanted to keep our flock all heritage, I need a blue egg layer that is better to deal with.
Any opinions?
I was even wondering if anyone has gone as far as really spending a lot of time with them as chicks, hand feeding them a couple times a day, ect.
Different breed? Anyone have any Cream Legbars?
Thanks in advance!
Any opinions?
I was even wondering if anyone has gone as far as really spending a lot of time with them as chicks, hand feeding them a couple times a day, ect.
Different breed? Anyone have any Cream Legbars?
Thanks in advance!