Looking for BASIC step by step instructions......

The single most important piece of advice that no-one seems to mention is this:

Get your wire first.

Most of your uprights and crossbeams etc will depend on the width of the wire. You can't fix wire to fresh air. Whatever the height of your coop/run, do it in frames. And make sure the center to center measurement of the upright is the same as the width of the wire. If you can, cut the timber together, ie, the top and bottom of a frame or the uprights. Once you've got the frame nailed together, make sure the corner to corner measurements are the same both ways. This will ensure they are "square". Then you can nail on your braces and it won't move after that.

Good luck.

Paul (I must get around to finishing my coop page which will also show the electric aerial that opens/closes the pop door)
OK, here's as simple as I can explain it.

1- build coop/pen

2- buy feeder/waterer

3- get birds

4- spend HOURS here on the BYC

I'm sorry,... I just couldn't resist

but most important of all,... have fun
Well, we haven't actually used this yet so I can't vouch for it but it's been my favorite find for a basic coop. And it looks pretty flexible, like you just add another section to make it bigger.
It has instructions that you order.
Storey's guide to raising chickens has exactly what youare looking for it even shows you how to plan it for you yard/run in 1/4's so you might want to buy that book or get it from your local lib. (I bought mine and the latest edition) there is so much information in them for starters it is a great book.
Paul, this is good advice. It certainly is wise to determine a complete materials list (and confirming measurements at the hardware/lumber store) PRIOR to finalizing design and making purchases. Thanks for reminding!
True, although you can splice pieces of wire together if need be. I overlap the wire sections a couple of inches, and then use Loxit clips to fasten the pieces together in an alternating pattern, left to right, every few inches.
Short answer... there are not books that tell you step by step how to make a coop. I was frustrated as well when I first started my flock.

I will also recommend the garden coop. The plans are very comprehensive and are step by step. If I had to do it over again, the garden coop is what I would do. I have a friend building one now and I've seen the coop at the designers home. Here's the link. You can even see some sample pages.

I found one online that I was able to use - it is an A-Frame Chicken Tractor that was pretty easy to construct - granted you have some tools. I don't see a way to attach a document in here - but if you email me I will send you what I used. Like I said - it got the job done and my tractor/ark is painted and ready to roll (literally). I found a pair of training wheels for a bike at Goodwill for 2 bucks for my wheels. Good luck.

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