Looking for black australorp chickens in WI or shippable to WI


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Hello, new to this forum. I am looking for some black austalorp chickens. I have lost most of my hens to old age and only have two barred rocks left so after doing some research, I would like to get some black australorp chickens. I am looking for some in WI or closeby or someone that has some chicks with the ability to ship them to me. I am looking for mostly hens, but would like a couple roosters as well, as I am going to give a couple hens and one rooster to my dad with a chicken tractor as a fathers day gift. Thank you for any help or leads.
I live in Jackson, WI which is just north of Milwaukee.
Well, shoot. I'm about 4 hours north of you, and the hens would have to be picked up. So unless you're willing to drive to the Northwoods, I'm afraid I can't help. Sorry!

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