Looking for chicken lovers in Libya/North Africa


5 Years
Feb 13, 2014
Tajoura, Tripoli, Libya
Im hoping to find another lover of animals in Libya. Anyone out there? Things here are very different and language makes it harder for me to get very far. No feed stores, hatcheries or such I have yet found. I know many farms were destroyed to disrupt food supplies but people have begun to rebuild. Anyone know of NGOs or groups working here I can contact?
Bumping this so it stays visible! Hopefully someone is out there from the same area

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Hi there!
I'd noticed no one had really replied so I figured I'd pop in and try to help

I realize that Libya is quite a ways from South Africa, but I thought this thread would at least put you in touch with some other chicken keepers that could maybe point you in the right direction.

Good luck with your search!
Lol well south africa is a lot closer than usa! Thanks will check out links. Internet is limited, slow and costly here then add power outages and hey most days I talk to myself. Some news articles I read said chickens were shipped in from other countries so I hope I can find some nice ones. The ones I have will be great for learning and soon as I got the room and coops I want to add more and try hatching babies as well. Its just making the connections.
Ive been reading a thread called getting the flock out of here. Ozepat was having a similar problem in the phillipeans a couple years ago. He now has a ton of non native species of birds and pigs. Its a very interesting diary. Start from page 1 and u will be hooked. Surely u can incorperate some of his ideas and creativity.

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