looking for ducklings


Jun 22, 2022
Im looking for ducklings in the Las Cruces Nm or El Paso Area. Im not particular about the breed but preferably not pekins or mallards.
Post some pictures and we can try and help you identify them.

they are rouens i think (how do you tell the difference), and im pretty sure they are all hens but this was the first time vent sexing but they all looked the sam so they are either all hens or all drakes
Vent sexing is difficult and often people think they have females and are unable to make the penis come out. Males and females look identical till they get their adult plumage
Post some pictures and we can try and help you identify them.

Vent sexing is difficult and often people think they have females and are unable to make the penis come out. Males and females look identical till they get their adult plumage
im fine with having a flock of drakes, but since there isn't a lot of people with ducks in my area im not sure what i will do if i have to trade them so i have a balanced flock. is 3 hens fine with one drake? if i have 2 hens and 2 drake sim planning on switching a boy for a hen but if there are 3 drakes i will probaly make it an all male flock. if 3 hens isnt enough i will probably order a couple more hens.

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