Looking for frizzle polish eggs

Just letting you know there are some on Eggbid. Some Buff Laced and some WC Cuckoo, they are Bantams and the eggs come from great looking birds.

I saw them yesterday, they are beautiful! I have heard that polish are great and wanted to try some with my cochins. I was hoping to buy from a BYC'er first if anybody had some...... Anybody?
I posted this earlier in the day yesterday, and received 3 responses. Look for my posting and you'll see a few responses that will help you out.

Thanks Julie,

I am looking for frizzle polish, but I will keep your post in mind when I look for some more frizzle cochins. You can't ever have too many you know.
Guess I'm off to ebay or eggbid.

Thanks again,

I'm bidding on one of them now, but I'll go back and look for that one, it might be a better deal.

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