Looking for Hens in Ontario!


Jul 28, 2018
Hello! May 23rd my family bought chickens. My mum and I agreed on a deal. If we get any roosters, we give them away. My chick ended up being a roo. So of course, I was sad. But there was another part of the deal. We get another chicken to replace my lovely little crowi boi. A hen, of course. I have a lot of different choices for breeds, colours etc. My prefered breed is silkie (of any colour, preferably black, or gray, though.). I also like SS (speckled sussex), Buff Orpington (Or not buff I don't care), Easter Egger, Polish, Cochin, Pekin, and basically any breed of black-feathered or overall floofy chicken. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you can get back to me soon!

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There’s a lot of places where you can get hens. I’m not sure about Ontarios ordinances, what they do with stray fowl, and their general poultry laws but you could always adopt one from a sanctuary, go to a private hatchery, or adopt one from an animal shelter. For the hatchery, most pullets are a 90% chance (especially if you purchase them from TSC) so while you will most likely get a pullet, there is still an off chance of getting a roo. You can also look for some on Kijiji. Happy hen hunting!
I'm in Ontario as well. Check out heritagebirds.ca
They practice good biosecurity and have several breed options.

You can also try Facebook. There's four or five different groups.

Either way, make sure to quarantine any new birds.
Hello! May 23rd my family bought chickens. My mum and I agreed on a deal. If we get any roosters, we give them away. My chick ended up being a roo. So of course, I was sad. But there was another part of the deal. We get another chicken to replace my lovely little crowi boi. A hen, of course. I have a lot of different choices for breeds, colours etc. My prefered breed is silkie (of any colour, preferably black, or gray, though.). I also like SS (speckled sussex), Buff Orpington (Or not buff I don't care), Easter Egger, Polish, Cochin, Pekin, and basically any breed of black-feathered or overall floofy chicken. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you can get back to me soon!

Hi everybody! Thanks so much for all the replies.
I was able to finally get 2 silkies! I love them so much. Thanks again!

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