Looking for Houdan, BL Polish, and BLR Wyandotte breeders!!!


11 Years
Jun 30, 2008
Looking for some breeders - (hopefully around me!
) of Mottled Houdan, Buff Laced Polish, and BlueLacedRed Wyandottes.

For some reason, I've become slightly obsessed with finding some Mottled Houdans......I think they are amazingly beautiful birds, and from what Ive read they are very docile.

As well, I have fell in love with the coloring of the Buff Laced polish - and the breed, to a degree!

Mom has become obsessed with getting some BLRW's. She goes crazy every time I find a picture of one on the internet; I keep telling her we already have two Wyandottes, but NO, she HAS to have a BLR!!!

Well, anyway.......now I guess I have to wait untill someone replys.
Can't help you yet, but I'm watching your post for replies...because I REALLY want to find a Houdan breeder. I got a rooster just to play watchdog to my assorted brown egg laying flock...and we love him so much
that I really want a few hens!

If no one gets back, you can try Nature's Hatchery in Illinois, they have one more batch of Houdans coming next month...I just really want to find a breeder though.
Aw darn......lol, ive gone nuts waiting for someone to reply to this thread!!!!! Really? I bet hes beautiful

I have to ask......is he a good mannered roo?

Really? Hmmm......I'll have to check that out. Personally, Id rather find a breeder, too!
You have NO, and i mean NO clue how much i want him! I WANT HIM SO BAD!!!!!

But i just cant have any more cockerels or roos.....i already have two, and only 7 girls. Oh, but i want him so bad!
Aw darn......lol, ive gone nuts waiting for someone to reply to this thread!!!!! Really? I bet hes beautiful love

I have to ask......is he a good mannered roo?

He's the absolute sweetest rooster I've ever been around. My family gives me a whole lot of grief over this, but when I get home if I call his name (in a ridiculous sing-song voice, I admit), he'll come running to the house from the barn, doing his silly rooster dance and coming to see if I've brought him treats. He's like having another dog!

I have never been around a rooster that personable or entertaining- which is why I want more Houdans.​

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