looking for opinions


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Hey everyone. When i went down to the feed store and ended up bringing home two new chicks, I used the length of the tail feathers to kinda guess on which were pullets and which weren't. Well, I scored a 50% I got one roo and one pullett. The pullett is a Barred Rock, and the Roo is a barred cochin bantam. Had I known about the probability of sexing BR by the head spot, I probably could have made it a hundred percent, because the little roo definitely had a very scattered head spot. Live and learn i guess. My question for those of you who have cochin bantam roos is whether or not there is a chance I can keep him. I live in the city, and my chickens aren't legal yet, but even the proposed ordinance change prohibits roosters. Are they as loud or louder than other roos? I really don't want to get rid of him, he is only 3 weeks old, but he is by far the cutest chicken we have. He is already trying to push everyone else around. He puffs up his chest and jumps on everyone. It is so funny. Well, for you other cochin bantam owners your opinion would be much appreciated.
I cannot speak personally about the cochin bantams, but I have one silkie roo, born in October, so he is 8 months old.
Not only is he loud, but when he crows is very unpredictable.

Good luck

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