Looking for Pekin Ducks (Chattanooga, TN Area)


6 Years
Jun 19, 2013
Harrison, TN
Hi all,

Does anyone in the Chattanooga, TN area have any Pekins for sale? Due to a fox attack, I recently lost my sweet girl, May, and my remaining Pekin (a drake named Froggerton) is quite lonely in his new 16' x 24' pen.

If anyone knows where I can get a couple Pekins (chicks or adults), I'd appreciate the info.


Froggerton and May
Are you still interested in obtains some pekin ducks? I have 2 that I raised that are ab 3 months old. I am trying a place them in a good protected home.
I have no idea.. I'm a wildlife rehabilitator for TN. I want to place them as as a pair. Can u send me info ab how to contact u? Thanks
if u are really desperate to get some pekin ducks you could order some from metzer farms the shipping price is really cheap im ordering 10 babies and the shipping is only 12 dollars the birds are babies but they are like 4.95 each for straight run for them sexed they are 6.60
I have a young Rouen Duck that has lost her "sister" yesterday. The other was more of a mallard and flew the coop. Our Rouen is a female and very lonely and worried, They do imprint on each other. Are you interested???
Reply to [email protected]
I have a young Rouen Duck that has lost her "sister" yesterday. The other was more of a mallard and flew the coop. Our Rouen is a female and very lonely and worried, They do imprint on each other. Are you interested???
Reply to [email protected]

I wish I could take her in, but I now have four Pekins (two boys and two girls), and feel that I'm at capacity. :-(
That's alright. I understand. Do you have any other ideas of someone that might take in a single duck here in the Chattanooga area??

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