Looking for Rabbit Hutch suggestions...


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 9, 2012
South Eastern Mass
Off we went to pick up our chicks.. and home we came.. with them.. and two bunnies as well. So now Hub is working to finish up the coop and I am *pinning* rabbit hutch ideas on Pinterest.

I am hoping some folks here wouldn't mind offering up suggestions on what features are must haves in a rabbit hutch? Also any sites with helpful info in raising rabbits? We came home with one purebred lionhead doe and one mixed breed lionhead/flemish doe (I can't even imagine that breeding, but my eldest daughter fell in love.. and so now she is ours lol) The flemish doe/lionhead buck .. doe wasn't overly large, so I am hoping it won't be a huge rabbit when full grown. She is moderately larger than her half lionhead sibling.

I like the looks of hutches that have an enclosed run space for the bunnies, but I am wondering about how much they dig, and the reality of such a space. That's an area I would definitely love feedback on. Also we live in Mass.. so anyone with tips etc for building a nice snug hutch for winter that is cool in the summer?

Thanks in advance..
There are at least 4 (possibly more) rabbitt folks who are quite knowledgeable on the Nevadans thread - I'm sure they would be happy to help you! Just jump right in - we're friendly folk out here!
Thanks Ron I posted a quick hello over there.. Hopefully I'm not intruding
the boys decided that after living together their entire lives (brothers) they were going to fight. So we had to do an emergency hutch divider until we get a second one built
What must haves would you include in your hutch design? I am already building their interior space to the size of an oil drip pan.. having hub get one from work.. so that will be my poop tray.. lol..
Check out http://www.arba.net/PDFs/CAW.pdf it has some suggestions. Also I'd go as big as you can on the outside part or make it portable so you can move it to new areas. You should use a wire bottom on it because rabbits will dig out. Here is a website for a company that makes rabbit cages and sells parts to make your own http://www.klubertanz.com/ I've gotten many cages from them and have been happy with the quality.
Hope this helps some.
Thanks for the info Aprille.. My husband would be dying over your profile pic.. We lost our golden last spring.. He was almost 14. Had to put him down due to cancer. Poor boy.. He lived a great life though.


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