Looking for seasoned eyes to make guesses lol


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2022
Hello! First time chicken owner here šŸ‘‹
I have 6 chicks that are now 6 weeks old. I know itā€™s early but I was wondering if any are showing definite or subtle signs to watch that they may be roos..

I purchased them being told they were female and sexed by a professional, that chances are slim there are any roos but Iā€™m starting to question a couple and wanted to get some guesses from people who may be able to pick out which look more pullet/roo

I clearly donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing and know I likely have to wait to see whether they crow or lay an egg to be sure but figured some seasoned eyes could make better guesses then myself as Iā€™m completely new to the crew
The only one Iā€™m 95% sure is a pullet is the beilefelder as Iā€™ve read they are able to be sexed at hatch.

The first picture is the beilefelder, the second the white legbar and the rest are Easter eggers. One is possibly a Welbar (the person whom self them to me had identification tags on the beilefelders and welbar legs and welbars ended up getting mixed in with the Easter eggers as they were all in the same brooder).

Iā€™d love any guesses you have šŸ¤žšŸ» they arenā€™t all
Roos! And I end up with some eggs lol ā¤ļø

Thanks for playing hen or too ā¤ļøšŸ˜ŠšŸ“


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The black and white is the one Iā€™m most suspicious of. I was hoping it was a pullet as itā€™s feathers are absolutely beautiful. I guess if I have to have a roo itā€™s going to be a pretty one. Fingers crossed there arenā€™t more then one
I think that all are pullets. The black and white EE is questionable, but the pattern right now is female.
Thank you for your reply. Can I ask how the pattern is currently female? So I know what to watch for? I assumed roos would be tougher then the girls and this bird is the most scared/skittish if the crew. The feathering on the breast is very beautiful.


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The black and white is the one Iā€™m most suspicious of. I was hoping it was a pullet as itā€™s feathers are absolutely beautiful. I guess if I have to have a roo itā€™s going to be a pretty one. Fingers crossed there arenā€™t more then one
The only one I'm suspicious of is the black and white EE, keep an eye his/her development. I'm positive the rest are pullets.

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