Looking for some incubation/ brooding help.


6 Years
Jun 10, 2013
Northern Wisconsin
I have 9 days left for my 10 duck eggs. 4 are under a broody duck and 6 are in my incubator. I am planing on moving the 6 out to the hen when they have 4 days left. This is her first time brooding and my first time allowing the mother to take care of them. I had a Muscovy hatch a clutch but sold them all right away. I am hoping to keep some of the females from this hatch.

She is with the rest of the flock. Should i move her or let her take care of the babies with the flock? Also i have a broody goose sitting on 10 eggs. Will she try to take the ducklings? I am planning on moving her and the ducklings to a safe place by themselves but will leave her be if that's whats best. I am worried about the other birds hurting them. I had a chicken raise a single chick with the flock but she only had the one to take care of.

On the third day of incubation I noticed one egg had a crack at the fat end of the egg. The duckling is still moving inside and doing good. Do i need to do anything special with this egg before moving it out with the mom? Thanks for all your help!
Hi there!
I just found this while trying to find information about hatching ducklings from a hen by the natural process without incubator. I only found this page about your single duckling, if that could be of help: http://www.carolinecrockeroriginals.co.uk/sheldon_pages/handy_hints_for_raising_duckling.htm
I am a starter myself, so I cannot really help you with your inquiry, but I am sure others here will, because most of them seem to be expert like... ;-)
Best of luck with everything about your ducklings!!!
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Hey! I'm a starter too so I don't know much either. But I read that eggs with cracks are prone to bacterial infection. There was an article on this site that said what you should close them with (I think candle wax) but I can't find it anymore.
I would separate mom and ducklings from the others for awhile, yes. That is the safest situation for the little guys. You can introduce them all back together once they are all about the same size as mom.

Personally, I would keep the cracked egg in the incubator and hatch it out in there. That way you can be sure it won't accidentally be cracked more by the hen, or broken open too early by her sitting on and possibly stepping on the egg. Once it's hatched you can sneak it back under mom with the rest (at night is best to do these things).

You CAN use candle wax to fix the crack if you wish, but you might have to help it hatch out later since it'll be harder for it to break through the shell with the wax on it. How big is it's air cell? The crack might cause it to lose too much moisture through incubation, so just look at the size and compare it to the other eggs. If it's much bigger than the others you might need to crank up the humidity after the other eggs are out under the broody.
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I would separate mom and ducklings from the others for awhile, yes. That is the safest situation for the little guys. You can introduce them all back together once they are all about the same size as mom.

Personally, I would keep the cracked egg in the incubator and hatch it out in there. That way you can be sure it won't accidentally be cracked more by the hen, or broken open too early by her sitting on and possibly stepping on the egg. Once it's hatched you can sneak it back under mom with the rest (at night is best to do these things).

You CAN use candle wax to fix the crack if you wish, but you might have to help it hatch out later since it'll be harder for it to break through the shell with the wax on it. How big is it's air cell? The crack might cause it to lose too much moisture through incubation, so just look at the size and compare it to the other eggs. If it's much bigger than the others you might need to crank up the humidity after the other eggs are out under the broody.
That was my thought to but I know people let the mom go and i was just worried about the safety of the ducklings. So that's settled. I already have a place planed to put them.

I am worried about her not excepting the duckling if i hatch it inside. Will she?

The air cell is looking good.

Thanks for all the help! I will try to get pictures of the egg.
Ah ok, thanks for the pics! That doesn't look too bad and I think the duckling will be fine. The air cell does look good as well, so no worries! :)

It's easy to sneak new ducklings in with mom, you just have to be a little sneaky. First option is to just go in after dark once it's hatched and sneak it under her with the others while she is sleepy and can't see much. Another option is to take all of her ducklings together in a box, add in the new one to the box, and then release all ducklings back to her at the same time. Ducks can't count and she will not notice the new one in there at all. Just do it before the duckling imprints on you (so, the day it hatches would be best).

Edited to add: The second option is best if the ducklings are a little older and more active (like after they have left the nest). First option is best if this one hatches at the same time as the others and all are still in the nest with mom.
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