Looking into extending our property...advice? Update pg 5

I agree with this! When we bought our 6.5 acre wooded lot years ago the Realtor walked around the "borders" based on what he had been shown by the previous owner and some paint marks on trees. We requested that the lot be surveyed prior to our purchase and found that the rear boundary was actually about 400' further back than we had been shown. He had actually missed almost 1/3 of the property prior to the survey. We now make sure to keep the survey pins clearly visible.
if you are already using it then why purchase it? Might remind him its worth something and make him put it up for sale, I dont know just a thought
we aren't using the property...we're using ours. The strip of property that we've been mowing is just because we don't want tall grass and weeds and such near where the kids play, or near the coop. Other than that, no, we aren't actually using it. It does have a few junk items (4 old tires stacked up in a corner) but those were put there before we realized that our property line wasn't where we thought it was. The mowing was also happening before we knew the property edge wasn't ours LOL...but it will keep happening even so because of the ticks and stuff.

Not only that, but I don't like the thought of using someone else's property. I would rather own the property, I just don't want to use what's not mine
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Good news and not as good news! The guy is wanting to sell! He also said there are no liens on the property, which is awesome!

The not as good news is that he's purchasing the property in a tax sale, meaning that if the current owners don't pay their taxes by the end of august he's gets the property, but if they do then he gets his money back with interest. So now the question is what to do. He didn't know about the crap that's on the property, like the trees or blown up trailer. He did ask me what the property looked like, and I was honest as much as I could be from what I can see. He asked me what my interest was in it and I ended up telling him that I live next door. I wanted to be truthful but I kinda wish he hadn't asked me that LOL. Anyways, I'll know by August. Now, I wonder if I can find the current owners and see if I can just give them $1000 for it so they can pay their taxes and walk away, but then the question is whether or not they will actually pay their taxes with the money, cause if they don't then this guy has the rights to being the next owner. I wonder if there's a way to find them?

Anyways, that's my update!!!! Thanks for reading!
Any type of sale should require a legal write-up. Don't, by any means, give the property owners $1,000 without having a real, legal document showing that the monetary transaction means that you are now the property owner. That way, they can't just take your money and go pay their taxes and keep the land themselves. Document, document, document, and of course, involve a lawyer or real estate person in the deal so that everything is legal and doesn't come back to bite you in the butt in the future.
It sounds like you might be too late to contact the owners. This guy has already put money down at a tax sale waiting for ownership. Doesn't that mean he already has a contract in place? This is strange and I'm not sure what's going on here. If you contact the tax delinquent owners and give them money for the taxes why would they then sell the property? If they were so behind on taxes then wouldn't they have already put it up for sale themselves? Something stinks in Denmark with this deal or I'm just not following you?
yer best off waiting till august and asking the owner if he'd sell you the property for 1250 and make a tidy profit, and you'd take care of the clean up.
Thats a 25% profit there abouts depending on how you calculate it and its what any realtor's dreams are made of.

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