Looking to Change the Law in Hurst, Texas

Find out who is on the city council. Google there names usually they say stuff about them self and you might be surprised to find one or two that grew up on a small farm. (That your target) allies that will help from the inside. Get to know them if they own a business go there and talk to them (not about chickens) and get on a friendly basis. ..... if all that is not available to you. You should be able to speak with the council and say "Mr Jones when you grew up on the farm was there any issues with your chickens making noise after dark to where it kept you awake all night. When he answers no hammer him and ask why you can't have them. Have all your fact and figures to...Good luck
so how is this tread going. I live in Hurst and want to change the laws as well. I want to raise my chickens. Anyone know what the next step is? If it doesn't get changed soon I may move to Bedford.
I live in hurst and I have alot of chickens. Started out with 27. Your allowed up to 50 fowl. I think it has to be off your house 100 feet I could be wrong but we had asked animal control come out and see if we were abiding by the law and they said yes.. i have known city of hurst animal control workers for years.
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So....the backyard chickens are up for the agenda. Here's the email my husband received yesterday:

Sorry it has taken so long to get back with you, but we have had some personnel turnover in the Animal Services Division and Advisory Board.

We will be having the next Board meeting on Wednesday, October 21, at noon, in the City Hall Council Chambers. We have the chicken issue on the agenda.

Let me know if you have any other questions about the meeting.

Steve Niekamp
Assistant Chief
Hurst Police Department
825A Thousand Oaks Drive
Hurst, Texas 76054
[email protected]
Has there been any update with this concern? I currently live in North Richland Hills but, am in the process of renting out a home in Hurst with a huge backyard. Would love to be able to have a small flock. Any updated info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Is anyone still pursuing this? I read about it being on a City Council agenda about a year ago but haven't heard anything since does anyone know what the outcome of that was
Is anyone still pursuing this? I read about it being on a City Council agenda about a year ago but haven't heard anything since does anyone know what the outcome of that was

I don't know where this issue stands, but I am willing to start a new "movement" with some help. I haven't heard anything since the email from the petition said it was on the agenda.

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