loosing feathers

She died overnight. She was a good layer and will be missed by the wife and I as well as her feathered friends. thank you for your help and concern, it is appreciated.
I am so sorry for the loss of your hen. I hope your heavy heart can heal soon.
Can you tell me what blu-kote is and where one can get it?
It looks like this...

and you can get this at all feed stores. Look in the horse section or ask a sales person. :)

Use gloves when spraying it as it stains the hands and clothing. If you are using it on white birds, you might spray this into a small glass bowl and apply with a q-tip so it doesn't stain the feathers too much.
Funny how I can do a search on anything concerning chickens and I always end up at this site! Wonderful. Looks like you've got a similar problem to mine and I hope the BluKote works for you. After the winter, I ended up with six roosters and eleven hens. Had to divide the coops and runs and presently have five roosters off to themselves and one rooster with the hens in another area. I don't know what rooster this one is, medium red with blue-green feathers in the tail that stick straight up, a little lighter red around the ends of the hackles. Big sucker. But even with this ratio, the hens are getting used quite a bit; one in particular is being very submissive, and getting tore up in the process. You'd think she'd plead her case or something. Think I'll try the BluKote too.

After last night, I realize I don't have much to complain about.
Got rid of my rooster, my hens are starting to grow some feathers back and now they are eating the eggs. I cannot tell which one or two is the culperate so I tried the egg full of mustard last night, they ate the egg and the mustard. they are so goofy they probably liked it. I have 6 baby hens ( I hope) that I will try in a few months to blend into my flock and have to fix this problem now before that happens. My wife and I both work so by the time we get home, my 7 hens which were laying nearly every day, and we have 2 eggs left that are coated with sticky goo. may have to look into a spy cam.

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