Losing birds


Nov 26, 2017
Central WA State
I am not sure what to do here. I have lost 2 chickens in the last 2 days. Today our best Rooster was found dead when I went out to feed, fairly fresh as he was warm, with no marks on him. None. Not any at all. We lost one a few days ago who looked like her intestines had been pulled out by something but there were no marks on her body anywhere else. I wondered if maybe that happened after she died? All chickens come in to roost at night but then come out through a side door when the sun comes up and both times the birds had been killed sometime shortly before I came out.

Interestingly though when I found our Roo, after I inspected him I set him on a crate while I finished up some chores, I look back to find our Royal Palm Tom Turkey had pulled him off and was standing on him trying to mate him!! Now....I know it's mating season a little early here due to the mild winter in the PNW, but I wonder if it is possible this Tom suffocated him? And possibly our hen too? Otherwise I have no idea what has killed them and left not a single mark.
Sounds like you may have found the culprit already. Turkeys can become a little out of the ordinary during breeding time. Might have to separate or isolate him to see if it happens again. If it does then you ruled out your only suspect.
Dang.....I was afraid of this. No we don't have any turkey hens. We tried to get one a few months ago but she disappeared....coyotes I assume. I will see if I can get a few hens again for him and put them in a separate pen. I feel so bad he was our favorite Rooster :(
Dang.....I was afraid of this. No we don't have any turkey hens. We tried to get one a few months ago but she disappeared....coyotes I assume. I will see if I can get a few hens again for him and put them in a separate pen. I feel so bad he was our favorite Rooster :(
Sorry for your losses but a friend of mine had something very similar happen.

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