Losing feathers around neck and head


11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
Eugene, OR
One of my hens, the alpha hen actually, seems to be loosing some feathers around her neck and the small feathers on her head even seem a bit patchy. Her behavior seems normal and the other 4 hens have no similar signs. I am not sure if this has to do with stress, illness, humidity, cold.

Any help is appreciated.
She looks like she is molting to me. My girls have done that same thing. I have a few girls that have molted in patches like that. I have 3 that lost feathers on their neck and heads that are now growing new pin feathers and it is all growing back. Your girl looks like she has pin feathers coming in too. Thats good , the bare spots should fill in soon. I had a couchin that just had her feet molt, a polish that had her tail, back and head molt, etc.
I have a few girls that have done the typical all over molt I read about in the books where they look real rough and then loose a bunch of feathers, randomly all over and grow them back then I had a few that did it in patches. It seems kind of funny to molt going into cold weather. If I were a chicken it would seem like a bad time of year to drop your feathers. But thats just me.
Sorry I can't send you a picture its dark out there and the girls are sleeping.

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