losing feathers

this is what I have seen
1/ a rooster can mate fiercely and hold the back of a hens head(all poultry can do this) she will be ok no problems get some more hens
2 moulting-no problem give them plenty food and water-will be ok despite what is said will even lay an egg every so often can be a week to amonth maybe more -don't really know

3 the most damaging a mite that lives in the base of the feather-you will not see it -it is hell to get rid of it can be gotten rid of-it in the main comes from other poultry that have it-I believe it comes from native wild birds-took me a year to remove it maybe more
DO NOT in my opinion buy those washes and stuff-I am trying to find my formula to fix it will take a huge effort -dependent on your set up-how you can get it away
Not sure what the question is ...
1) Yes a Roo will/can cause a Hen to loose feathers in the back of the neck & back
2) Molting does cause feather loss & stop in laying but extra or higher protein helps. The higher protein helps move molting along & egg laying. I feed Flock Raiser & have a separate dish of Oyster Shells on the side for the hens.
3) Mites/Lice are a PAIN in the ***** Permethrin 10, Poultry Dust (permethrin), Sevin (carbaryl) or Ivermectin
ok- this thing is called in Aus "de pluming mite"- I repeat you will not see the mite-vets don't know about it I mean bush vets in aus-
you need to do this as long as not ice or snow or frost
mix 1 oz of liquid soap with 2 ounces of sulphur with 1 gallon of warm water elbow temp baby water- we mixed 2 or three times the amount in a big black old plastic tub- you then need to catch each fowl and fully and I mean fully submerge them in this warm liquid-they look like wet rats-we ultimately put this in a into a pressure sprayer wife cleaned out all bedding and I sprayed the full inside of shed-in fact we left inside this shed unused for maybe 6 months-don't know if that is necessary- o when you put in your sprayer sieve through old panty hose a bit of cloth anything this will stop your nozzle blocking-you may need to do this 3 or 4 or 5 times its a big job but in the end you will eliminate the mite---

also IF you know the source and I know what the source was for my problem-eliminate it asap-I did not know of it the mite or the source -I now know better

also spray perches and laying boxes and the ground
it will in time fix it
I have a feeling one of mine has depluming mites. You are right they live on the feather shaft and you cannot see them. How you know that it is the depluming mite is that the chicken over preens and there are broken feathers as well as feathers that look like they have been chewed. It can also attack just one or just a few birds in your flock. Permethrin and other normal treatments for mites do not work.
I give mine a bath as you described. She feels so much better afterwards. I am hoping this year's molt will also take care of them.
the site is huge-beyond my present capabilities-someone had poultry losing feathers-I can not find the question -I posted it here -the depluming mite is unseeable
if you can find the original question-my advise is correct-the stuff you buy will not stop the depluming mite9from my own experience who knows what stain this mite was-I only say from what I know if you can find that original question- maybe you culd cut and paste -I don't know
all is ok

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