Losing the flock - Update PICS pg7...

I know I will get a lot of grief from this, but in the state of Ohio IF a hawk is killing your stock, you can kill them. And we would kill them before I would let them kill all of my chickens. That is the way we would handle it and that is the way we have handled it in the past. I understand they are only hungry and in need of food, but the chickens are my families food and they come first. DeeJay
I had a hawk prob for awhile but I didn't have as many chickens then and so I just kept em all in the garage for a week and the hawk just went away. My neighbor has BIG pine trees that the chickens hide under, and his run isn't covered and he never looses chickens to hawks.
My birds have a large coop with a very large run. I have not lost any more birds since I put the Lowe's deer netting over my run. If I haven't seen any hawks around for a few days I will open the run gate and let them free range, but when the hawks are around, they are kept in their run. I've had the deer netting up for 2 years now and it has held up well and I've had no more losses.
MissPrissy wrote: Free range is allowing chickens to be housed with the option of leaving the house to go out into the outdoors.
When you choose to let the chickens out without any protection and limitations you have assumed the risk to give the free dinner to a predator.

A corollary to the above: A poorly thought out coop and run simply represents less `range' for a predator to cover to achieve the same ends...​
I found two chicks hiding in the kudzu. Thank God. Each is now precious.

While I agree there are risks to free ranging, that I accept and have dealt with, I'm not willing to offer up the flock as a hawk diner.

I will create a large hawk netted area for them to retreat to. I am also rigging a crow feeding station.

But no, I don't have to simply accept predation on my food. It's my life and my land and my food and my work.
I don't blame you at all! And if you need help working on some prevention, let me know, perhaps I could make it over for a few hours to help you out.
I only let a few teenage roos (big orps too) free range here in my yard. There is usually at least one dog out with them during the daytime to keep an eye on them, we've been very lucky so far. Our pyranese mix patrols at night while we're all sleeping, because our "freedom coop" which is where our freeranging chickens sleep at night, is completely open, with only a plastic draped over it. Have you considered looking for a livestock guardian type?
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I second the deer netting, or bird netting from Lowes. Its cheap, easy to string up, very light, and works like a charm. I have it over my main run. I also have another very large fenced area that I let them out in thats not covered, but they go out in that only when Im home and only when I can watch them. I have a real problem with people wanting to kill a hawk because its after your free range chickens, but I won't go there.
I don't blame you at all! And if you need help working on some prevention, let me know, perhaps I could make it over for a few hours to help you out.
I only let a few teenage roos (big orps too) free range here in my yard. There is usually at least one dog out with them to keep an eye on them, we've been very lucky so far.

Thanks for the offer of help Dawn
BTW Bear continues to be doing well, if unhappy with the whole medicate the chicken thing.

I have to be able to free range, it really cuts feed costs.

If I fall off the ladder you'll get an email. I'll need help then. I already fell last month, twice will make me a wreck for half of 09.

I'm grateful to have found the two that were hiding. Finding chickens with sense has a nice feeling to it.

I've got twine and fishing line and I'm digging out CDs. I need some poles or pvc or something and I'm going to gather some large branches and look for suitable small trees. Have saw will travel... I have some pest trees I've been eyeing since we moved in, ugly suckers. And I may see what my neighbor has in the way of wood left - he's cleaning up his property again.
Your VERY right about that cutting down on feed costs... I rarely have to fill my freerangers feeders... once per week maybe while everyone else gets a refill every other day!
Don't be a hero... and email or call if you need help. I can make the time to help a new friend.

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