loss of feathers for months and bottom are featherless and red


7 Years
Jul 25, 2012
I had first thought that our chickens were molting but it has been months sinces they started losing their feathers and their bottoms are real red. It has to be something else going on but everytime I ask someone about it I get the same results = molting.
Any suggestions would be helpful. They are still laying eggs, eating and drinking. Thanks.
well if she is still laying eggs and its been months I dont think its molting. She may have mites. Look on the bare parts and under what feathers there are. There should be itty bitty little bugs crawling around. Im not 100% sure but I think sprinkling flower on the effected areas will snuff the mites out. Im not sure though its been years since the last incident. You should be able to find the answer with google though.
Thanks for all the comments. I will check a little closer tonight to see if I can find anything on them. I will keep you updated. I am guessing I will be able to find the 7dust at Tractor Supply?
Mine look the same. Especially my barred rocks and rhode island reds. Bald red butts. Nasty. They don't have mites, I've checked and dusted. I know the rooster is pretty aggressive, I assume that has something to do with it.
I didn't get a chance to get up close to my chickens last night but I will be checking them out this weekend to see what's going on - but, I was wondering if it was caused by the rooster also. He is pretty rough on them too. I just want them to look nice and pretty! Right now they look really bad - I hate for people to see them like this. If it isn't mites should I seperate the rooster from them??

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