Loss of feathers - is this normal?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 20, 2014
I was wondering if this was normal with chickens. Not sure what could cause some of the feathers to appear missing but I also do not know if this means it's a problem or not. Attached are some photos of one of my chickens. I've looked at all of my other chickens double checking for this and they all seem to be fine except this one.

Any idea if I should be concerned or not? This is on top of the chicken, more towards the front of the tail.

thanks justplainbatty! No roosters in the group but possibly from other hens.
Looks like feather picking/plucking to me. Causative factors can be overcrowding, inadequate nutrition, boredom - once started it can become a hard habit to stop. 'Pinless Peepers' affixed to the culprit generally cure the problem.
I actually have this same type of thing on my old rooster from the hens. It does definitely get worse in the winter when they are cooped up with the cold MN winters. I try to keep them active in their chicken house, otherwise, I have naked chickens come April. Good Luck!

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