loss of weight in 3 yr old barred rock


Aug 29, 2021
I have a 3.5 year old barred rock who is losing weight. Her comb is also pale, but she is fresh out of a hard molt. She is my top hen and still acting fine and bossy as ever, but she is eating less. I can feel her keel bone. She used to eat everything and now she is picky. Her crop is not empty, but not full and hard like usual at night. It doesn't feel squishy and no foul order. Could this just be getting older? No lice or mites. Stool is normal.
I have been trying to feed her some extra protein and a little nutridrench. Any ideas or suggestions?
I have a broody with two 4 week old chicks so she is eating Purina start-n-grow with the rest of flock with oyster shells available. My older hens have all stopped laying for the winter already. My only ones still laying are my one year olds.
Can you check her crop to see if it feels empty first thing in the morning? Have you wormed her lately? Valbazen 1/2 given orally or SafeGuard 1/4 ml per pound are very good. Repeat those in 10 days. Hopefully, she will put some weight back on since she is finished molting. Cooked egg, tuna, and cat food are some things to give as occasional treats.

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