Lost 2 today.....



Aug 21, 2016
I am devastated. I live in Southern California and we had a record shattering heat spell today. 118°. I had fresh water out for my chickens, fresh cold watermelon, a fan, a mister and various containers storing ice. We had 4 chickens total. This afternoon I went to check on my girls. They were only 2 years old. They were behind the ice block. Together. They had passed. A buff (my hugger) and my Cochin. I don’t know what else I could have done. We buried them beside the coop under the fox statue.
I would like to get 2 more buffs and raise them from chicks again. They seem to be the friendliest. My question is this. I have a barred rock and an Americuana, both 2 years old. Will it be possible to integrate chicks into the flock they are old enough to go into the coop?
I am sorry for your loss.
Integration is never a for sure answer.
You won't know how the older birds are going to be/accept new flock mates until you try it.
Do you have enough room to keep the chicks safe inside the coop with a look but no touch kind of set up for a few weeks before hand?
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It's very difficult to loose your friends like that. Heat is much worse for the chickens than cold, you did all you could so don't feel bad about it. You can get more chicks and I have found the best and easiest way to integrate them is to free range them together. I did that with my "old girls" and my new chicks this spring. They can get away from each other if there is pecking and no one gets hurt. I just let them free range together and at the end of the day I found they were suddenly all together in one coop! Not immediately, but pretty fast, about a week. Good luck to you! :hit
So sorry! That's horrible heat!!! You did what you could, but that was just too much for them.
Yes, you can integrate new birds with your two adults,, gradually, with plenty of space. Consider getting birds who can handle heat better, rather than those cute big fluffy ones. And Speckled Sussex hens are super friendly, in my experience too. Check out Henderson's breed chart for ideas.
Your hens might have had health issues that weren't obvious that contributed to this; two years of age isn't old, but some hens already have problems by then.
Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry, *hug*

The only other thing I can think of for future reference is making puddles in the run or yard where they free range. so they can cool their feet. You could also put them in a cool bath if you have the time. Sometimes a good butt soak will help.

That kind of heat is just unbeatable sometimes, I am so sorry. You already have good advice on integration of new chicks so I'll leave it at that.
I am sorry for your loss.
Integration is never a for sure answer.
You won't know how the older birds are going to be/accept new flock mates until you try it.
Do you have enough room to keep the chicks safe inside the coop with a look but no touch kind of set up for a few weeks before hand?
Yes. I can put a kennel inside with hardware cloth around it and bring them back in at night. Hopefully a week or so of doing that will help the process. I mean, people do i te grate chickens right?

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