Lost a baby chicken


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
We found our 3 month old baby chick dead today, with a bald eagle hovering nearby. I quickly herded the rest of the hens into the coop and shut it up. I have to admit - seeing a bald eagle in the wild was pretty impressive! I just wish it would have been preying on something besides my chickens!

Don't know that I'll ever get used to losing them to predators (we lost 2 to someone's "house cat" a few months ago - that was really frustrating!) Why can't they be free range AND totally safe?

Dalene in Texas
If you have bald eagles you may have to give up the idea of free range unless you are willing to give easy food to them. Any bird of prey that knows of a good food source will be back, and brooding season may kill off your flock.
If the bald eagle did it, would it have left the little critter behind? I mean, wouldn't it have just picked it up and flown off with it?

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