...Lost a bird today---I am sad--I want to know who dun it!!

ya this ones under the barn...why i see him everyday, the others are in the field.....and he is GIANORMOUS!!! (however you spell that!) and he has a mane like a lion....actually im pretty sure hes a she thats probably been rasing babies under there
thanks for the tip on the broccoli thing im definitely going to try that as soon as i can stand to wait outside for her for hours in this freezing weather!
The critter came back up and dug up my bird that I had burried 2ft deep. There were tracks. It was either a cayote, fox or dog. What ever it was if it comes back it will be dead. SSS. I have a camera set up out there now and a VCR. I am recordoing I am using my dead girl as bait. I have my have-a-heart trap and I put leg traps out. My 410 is loaded.
I have had 10 leghorns since spring its my first time to raise chicks. I found one outside the pen two weeks or so ago. Nothing but a breastbone and feet. ( Sorry for the graphical nature). I thought it was a neighbors dog that got her. Three days ago the chicks weren't outside the coop, as I came up I heard a ruckus and then a large hawk/owl flew out of the coop with one of the girls. I guess it was the same one that came before and I suppose it will return now that it knows they are easy pickings. They have been semi free ranging in a very large chain link area. My question is is there like a scarecrow or something to stop it from coming back? And why after all these months would it suddenly attack. Maybe the onset of winter? Or is stalking and a gun the only way to stop it? Or is it a regular thing and all hawks will get at them if they can?
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I am sorry that you lost some of your hens. Hawks, owl, eagles are all protected under federal law. How you handle them is your business, but I wanted you to know they are protected.

They are on the move right now as they are migratory and winter is coming, winters are very hard on the birds of prey so they become very bold in there fight for life.

Again so sorry, good luck
Thanks for that info Zookeeper! I am thinking a big ugly scarecrow with streamers of bright or reflective aluminum might work for predator birds.
I don't really want to hurt the hawk, plus was thinking in was unlawful as well. But dang it, they have no regard for my chickens.

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