Lost a young Silkie hen to something last night


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 13, 2009
Dry Ridge, KY
Something snatched one of my Silkies last night. Pulled her through the 2X3 inch wire surrounding a small opening I patched in the bottom of the pen. Lesson learned, I will patch it with small hardware cloth today. Don't know why the Silkies insist on sleeping outside of the roosting box, but they do. Until last night I have had no issues with predators and I have been raising chickens for two years now. All that was left was a little blood and a few black feathers. Any ideas on what I am dealing with? No tracks, scat or carcass left. I live in Northern Kentucky.
coon and it will be back tonight. so sorry. set a trap and dispose of it as if it cant get in that way it will try another way.
Good Luck!
wow really, makes sense. good job on getting them. It never hurts to set the trap, well at least it never hurts the chooks, and you
I would set a few more days and see if any one else in lurking.


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