Lost everything not sure how or why

I have had warmer days and they spread out along the door since it does not seal tight. I couldn't shut off the heat lamp due to working 2nd shift and getting cold by the time I get home didn't have have a timer. What I don't get is that the corner they all died in is the corner they run to if something (me) was opening the coop. When you can look down (clear roof) they liked to hang out by the door to get the cross breeze. So the roof is made of Corrugated roofing (clear polly) Then on the front of the coop is 5 2" holes along the hole top front. There is an Air gap always all the way around the door and one of the side panels is popping out. The brooder was 36x36. I was getting ready to move out the Turkeys and chickens out tomorrow to their own area. This is how I found them. Only removed the water and food. There is also a board I put on the left hand side of the roof I removed just to add some shade in there.


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So yesterday when I went to work all my chicks and ducks where doing fine. Check on them this morning all of them are dead 7 Chickens 4 Turkeys 4 ducks. Water was full, food was full it was like after I changed their bedding they all died. I'm not sure where to go from here. I have one adult chicken left. I'm just not sure where to go from here.
First off, I am dreadfully sorry for your loss, that must’ve been such a shock to you.
I have not read through all of the pages of the thread so this might have already been brought up.
Is it possible that they suffocated from the heat? Where do you live?
What is the size of your coop?
Do you have a thermometer inside of it?
The fact that they were all found at the door tells me they were desperate to get out.
I don’t think it was a disease and obviously not a predator.
It must’ve been suffocation, do you have good air circulation in there?
I have had warmer days and they spread out along the door since it does not seal tight. I couldn't shut off the heat lamp due to working 2nd shift and getting cold by the time I get home didn't have have a timer. What I don't get is that the corner they all died in is the corner they run to if something (me) was opening the coop. When you can look down (clear roof) they liked to hang out by the door to get the cross breeze. So the roof is made of Corrugated roofing (clear polly) Then on the front of the coop is 5 2" holes along the hole top front. There is an Air gap always all the way around the door and one of the side panels is popping out. The brooder was 36x36. I was getting ready to move out the Turkeys and chickens out tomorrow to their own area. This is how I found them. Only removed the water and food. There is also a board I put on the left hand side of the roof I removed just to add some shade in there.View attachment 1768937
Well this answers some of my questions that I just posted.
I think you need to put a thermometer in there at 1 o’clock, being inside of an enclosed chicken coop built like that one would be the equivalent to being inside of a car with the windows up.
Sorry again for your loss
I have a Thermometer just left of the door. Can't see it from the picture. But still has me wondering why in a group in the back corner. Not in front of the door if was a heat issue and the water wasn't even touch. Was filled up at 11am
Said 85 when I opened the door this morning at 9am. If it was to warm I wouldn't think they would pile on top of each other would they.
It said 85 in the morning? Oh my word, I don’t think it matters exactly how you found them at this point. They are all dead from heat exhaustion. Your coop is like having a car parked in the sun with the windows cracked open slightly.
I tend to agree with the others who think they overheated. I know you've had hotter days, but as the chicks get older they don't need as much heat from the outside world and it probably became too much for them. I feel like that brooder is basically a greenhouse. Seems like it would be similar to being inside a car on a hot day. It gets way hotter inside the closed space than it is outside.

And I understand you said that's the corner they go to when you go to open the brooder, but it's also the corner furthest away from the heat lamp. I think they were trying to get away from it.
I tend to agree with the others who think they overheated. I know you've had hotter days, but as the chicks get older they don't need as much heat from the outside world and it probably became too much for them. I feel like that brooder is basically a greenhouse. Seems like it would be similar to being inside a car on a hot day. It gets way hotter inside the closed space than it is outside.

And I understand you said that's the corner they go to when you go to open the brooder, but it's also the corner furthest away from the heat lamp. I think they were trying to get away from it.
Yes they died from heat exhaustion, it’s very sad, but it is a lesson learnt for this gentleman. When chicks are fully feathered they do not need a heat source any longer as well.
I have a Thermometer just left of the door. Can't see it from the picture. But still has me wondering why in a group in the back corner. Not in front of the door if was a heat issue and the water wasn't even touch. Was filled up at 11am
Maybe they could feel some air coming in, in that area.
This hardship will turn into a massive learning lesson for you my friend. And know this, when chicks have all their feathers they don’t need a heat source any longer.
Don’t give up, I’ve been doing chickens for 10 years, lots of learning lessons for me along the way. I’m at the point now where I do all of my own vetting, so I do my own suturing, injections, I even do necropsies.

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