Lost my dog again!! Super sad and mad!

They did not violate the contract with the city, though :(
The city sees it as a jog well done. A person finds a dog, they call the animal control and dog is gone.
The fact that I had a hard time to get back the dog is out of scope of the contract with our city.

And I am one single person fighting again the whole city hall. If I don't get the follow citizen to vote for a new company, I'm worth probably next to nothing in this fight.

I think the best is to get prepared, learn about her shelter, note all the laws she violates, gather proofs, take pictures of the building and share with my neighbours, then we'll have something to fight about :) But alone, I am not sure I can go far.. I already drained a lot of my energy searching for my dog, I need a bit of help from others to continue to fight. I have battled for the cats for a long time, alone, and it went nowhere.

I gained knowledge and now I won't make the same mistake! I'll get more people on board. I also already visited and talked to a new shelter that would accept to be our animal control. I had to do that before I could propose anything to the city. I will visit a second one soon, at least to offer a selection.

Maybe it's not the right way to go, but I feel very alone and at this point I need helpers. I can't tackle this fight myself ;(
Don't underestimate your power and ability to make changes. Getting the support from another shelter that can educate you about your laws, regulations and how to work the city council will save you a ton of homework.
Glad your girl is home safe.
There are quite a few laws about stray holds. They may vary from state to state, but it usually seven days or more and the shelter usually has to make every effort to check for an owner through tags, microchip, etc before the animal can be euthanized or adopted out. It's sounds like she is violating quite a few laws. (Many shelters do have a fee to pick up your animal, but $300 sounds exorbitant). If I were you, I would have your pets microchipped wherever you can get it done (lots of shelters offer it low cost) and keep all of that on file. Then if they should ever get lost again, you have proof that you are the owner and if the shelter does not check, they cannot euthanize or adopt out without major issues from the owner.
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