lost some chickens :(


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
im so sad. i lost a chick to a dog while i was away on a vacation and then i lost a chick to a hawk when i got back from my vacation. and i was 30 feet away.

i though the hawk was full and one of getting my chickens. i guess not. i went inside and then about 5 minutes later i heard a ruckus and saw a hawk trying to get one of my pretty mutt hens in the middle of the road.

well i scared the hawk off and the hen is fine.
the hen is broody now but i think she went broody because shes afraid to go outside.
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the mutt. i think she went broody as a way to stay in the coop so she didnt get got again.
I'm not a hawk hugger, having lost a few birds to hawks but I was a bit shocked to see this thread still here this morning. Figured it would be removed due to the illegal act mentioned.
Unless it was edited out, did the OP use the guidelines in the P&P rules and look up her state laws about depredation of Birds of Prey? You can legally kill a hawk, you just have to go about it the right way.

PS, a dead predator is one more egg a day in the fridge.
Unless the hawk was one not listed in the link below, it was an illegally killed bird, as described in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/intrnltr/mbta/mbtintro.html

, the OP did edit the illegal part out.
Boyd, when you find the law that states you can kill the hawks please post it here. I have a pair of Cooper's Hawks and several Great Horned Owls that reside in my woods, that I would love to blast into eternity. I've lost 5 ducks in the last two months which need revenged.
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Sorry bout that! I'll look it up and get back with you.

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