Lost three chickens-heads gone only


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 25, 2010
Three of my 16 week old cickens were killed last night. One pulled through fence. The other two were inside the cage. Pretty sure it was a raccoon. I lost two adult hens last week. So upsetting
With spring coming on, I'm sure the predators will be out in full force. I'm happy about warmer weather, but not about dealing with the wild animals....Today will be all about going over the fencing etc. inside and out trying oto make sure this doesn't happen again...
I'm afraid you lost your poor chickens to a stupid Coon.

Whoever think's they are sweet cute little bundle's of fur you have never been more wrong!!

Look at this one!


Take a look at those teeth!! And the killer look in it's eye's!!
You had better watch out............ These things are lean mean killing machines.

And it do the world some good if we all got together to destroy EVERY SINGLE RACCOON ON THIS PLANET!!!! (pardon me for writing it caps) Our world would be a better place without them.
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You have yourself a raccoon, they are the worst killers around because they just kill for the fun of it and I am so sorry for you
i disagree with the raccoon theory. they don't just kill for fun and they don't just eat the head. this much more likely a member of the weasel family. they can get into some tight places, so you will have to work on your night time caging.
Awww but dat widdle wacoon has such cute eaws!!!! He's just smiling at the camera.

I don't know about raccoons and chickens, but I do know they like my dad's cat. He has an outside cat that has a little winter hide-away and raccoons regularly come up to visit and share food and drink.
Don't eliminate raccoons. Here is some info from Oklahoma State University:

The following key may aid in identifying the predator:
Clues Possible Predators
1. Several birds killed
a. Birds mauled, but not eaten Dogs
b. Birds killed by small bites on body – neatly piled – some heads eaten Mink or Weasel
c. Heads and crops eaten on several birds Raccoon
2. One or two birds killed
a. Birds mauled, abdomen eaten Opossum
b. Deep marks on head and neck, some meat eaten Owl
3. One bird gone – feathers remain Fox or Coyote
4. Chicks killed – abdomen eaten – lingering smell Skunk
5. Several birds gone – no clues Human

My bet would be coon. Set out a trap and sure up your security. Good luck!
This morning we found the headless bodies of four of our hens. We figured it was either foxes or raccoons, now I'm leaning towards raccoons since some eggs were also crushed and eaten. Makes me sick that whatever killed them just took the heads and didn't bother using the rest of it. So sad. We now have three lonely hens (out of 8) One we never found, but assume she is dead too.
We took every precaution and had never had any issue with predators, had the whole coop wired underground so that nothing could dig in. It was windy last night and the doors to the hen house must've opened (they had gotten warped and weathered).

We had just celebrated a year with our "girls" who were great layers and funny characters to watch.

Sad in Missouri=(
Thanks everyone for your kind words, and words of advice. I have checked around the cage today. Doubt noise maker will make much difference, but set some up. (empty cans) Also, the area will have more lighting tonight. It was very dark back there. My husband is planning to set a trap tonight.
Hoping for the best. I don't want to lose anymore.
It's a weasel or mink.
I've dealt with this before.
A mink killed several of our chickens and mainly took the heads.
It took some bodies, but only the baby chick bodies.
I know they like to drink the blood from the chickens or something along those lines.
On the positive side I noticed that weasels and such don't come back very often.
The darn thing hasn't been around since.

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