Lots help needed..


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 2, 2012

Wondering if my Barred Rock is a Roo?

Breed and gender anyone?? Lower pic is his/her legs.

Breed/gender anyone?

This one was supposed to be a Barred Rock. Anyone have a guess?
Barred rock rooster.

Feather footed--maybe a dark brahma cockeral? Does it have a straight comb? maybe a laced cochin.

Easter egger pullet

Maybe a black sex link pullet? Does she have any brown on her throat/neck?
The Barred Rock is definitely a cockerel, can't tell what breed the second one is, so X2 above with the single comb or pea comb. Next one is Easter Egger pullet. The last one doesn't look that much of a Jersey Giant to me, so either a Black Star or Black Sex- Link.
Feather footed- has straight comb.
The black one has a little white at her throat, but no red or brown. Thanks!
So feather foot is probably a cochin, I'd love to see pics in a few weeks when it's fully feathered.

Black girl doesn't really look like an australorp, but maybe it's just how she's perched on the waterer?
So feather foot is probably a cochin, I'd love to see pics in a few weeks when it's fully feathered.

Black girl doesn't really look like an australorp, but maybe it's just how she's perched on the waterer?
Australorps have pink feet, but when they are just little itty bitty babies, they have yellow feet.

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