Lots of goose eggs!!! Test hatch or trades...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 13, 2008
Milaca, MN
I currently have 21 goose eggs I picked up out of my goose run. I don't want them to go to waste so I would like to make them available to anyone who might want to hatch. I have 10 Africans, 3 Embdens and 2 mixed breeds in the same pen, so odds are a pure breed African or Embden from who has paired off together. But there are no guarantees. I would hatch but my DW has said no so far. (I'm still working on her trying to hatch some to sell at the local critter swap.) My DW has said the goose huts have eggs in them again so I may have more soon! They make excellent watchgeese and kept the birds of prey away from the rest of the flock last year. You pay shipping for however many you want and I will ship them. I'll take donations if you want to give me a few bucks for them or whatever you might want to swap and we can work shipping out... Let me know what you think!
hey, I might be interested. Are the Emdbens a nicer goose than the Chinese?

What color Chinese do you have?
Ok everyone! I have 4 PM's and 4 thread replies. I will call the eggs gone and figure up shipping for 6 eggs in a package. I will send you all a shipping cost and my Paypal account email address. When the money comes I will ship them out. If you don't have Paypal, that's fine. I will take a check or however you want to send me money. As long as I don't get stiffed for shipping. I want to spread the fun I have had with my babies to everyone! Ya know what goes around comes around!
Ok everyone! I have the eggs divided into 6 egg cartons and ready to ship. I have PM'd everyone who contacted me and wanted eggs. I don't know if the server work they were doing effected PM's going through, but I have not got any replies from anyone yet and I noticed two of the 6 people in line for eggs are logged in.

My regular computer I use crashed and I am using the laptop backup, but I can't get into my email... go figure... so you need to contact me through here. I will wait until tomorrow to hear from you all (y'all) and then offer whatever is remaining to someone new.

The packages are running about 3.5 pounds and my zip is 56353 if you want to see what shipping will be.

Hope to hear from you soon and somehow...
do you have eggs? I have silkies, and a few others but my production is down to a low as I had a rat in the coop the other day but I would be glad to trade some eggs for eggs.
I would be interested, if the others don't get back to you. I can either pay shipping or trade some duck or quail eg-gs for them. Let me know

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