"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Just before I put its boot on, lil curled toes.

Some of my newbies! Hatching some great colors!
My friend's cancer seems to be spreading fast. Everytime I see him he seems more frail. Still so much fun to be around. He started dividing up his stuff and we set out on adventures to give it away. I found out he is sleeping on a box spring in a sleeping bag. I went to Kohl's yesterday with a 20% coupon. I got a 3" thick memory foam topper, puffy mattress pad, flannel sheets, 2 pillows and a soft thick blanket. I told the clerk why I was buying it. He called a manager and by the time they finished discounting it I paid $150 including tax for items that sold for $500. Just wanted you to know what kind of store Kohl's is so if you ever need to you can go there. I went to his house and made up the bed. I tested it for comfort and it was super. There is lots of dog hair from a previous roommate, so I loaded my vaccum to go vaccum out the bedroom really well. That is where he wants to die. He asked for tiolet paper and paper towels I'm also taking. Believe me I am NOT posting to Bragg about myself, I am doing this out of my love of God and my friend. How often do we really see a need where we can truly make a difference? It is changing my life. He has introduced me to music and art that I love. We are laughing and having fun together. I have never experienced anything like this before. I told him he has changed my life. He said it's nice to know that he could do that at this point in his life. I can just feel God in this and the things God is doing in my life and his. I am guessing he may have 4weeks or so. He has started hospice at home. I want him to be able to die at home bec that's what he wants. Sorry if this is a bizarre post. I just don't want to say anything to my family, I don't know why. Maybe bec they would think i am bragging. It feels like I am changing in a good way, becoming something better. It's odd how God works. I have prayed to be more patient and compassionate. I think He is answering my prayer.

It's not strange to me at all. I've done it with 3 people and it teaches you a lot . And you learn a lot. Some people drop away b/c they are afraid , or they can't deal with the thoughts of there own mortality . It changes you for the better even tho you will have some really emotional days.. I will pray for peaceful and pain free passing. You are a friend that is one in a million! Pam
OK totally cool idea -- how to make hypertufola pots (don't know if I spelled that right) -- complete directions on Lowes.com project. I absolutely am going to try this!

Bookmarked this. So cool. I'd like to say that I will actually build one, but I procrastinate a lot.
And I do have a lot on my plate right now. Chicks coming in 10 days. Woohoo!!
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