"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Man, I'm so ready for some sunshine. All of this rain is making me forget what sun feels like. Our run is a muddy mess. Yuck.

We've got sunshine this morning, but who knows for how long? I took advantage of the weather to check everyone's pelvis; I'm desperate for eggs!!!

Has anyone else tried or had success with guessing egg dates that way?
We've got sunshine this morning, but who knows for how long? I took advantage of the weather to check everyone's pelvis; I'm desperate for eggs!!!

Has anyone else tried or had success with guessing egg dates that way?
I think the only thing for sure is that the egg can pass, which has direct relations to body developement, the egg factory may develope differently, according to diet, activity and environment, it may be about 70% correct in most cases, mine could have pssed eggs at 16/17 weeks but were 20 weeks when they started, some just started at 25 weeks
Man, I'm so ready for some sunshine. All of this rain is making me forget what sun feels like. Our run is a muddy mess. Yuck.
Well, if its any comfort knowing, we didnt get any raain out here yesterday and mostly sun, which i will gladly send your way, it is 137 degrees on the deck out here. But on the bright side, i crew change tomorrow, 1st flight so i may get home by 1pm instead of 4 or 5
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We've got sunshine this morning, but who knows for how long? I took advantage of the weather to check everyone's pelvis; I'm desperate for eggs!!!

Has anyone else tried or had success with guessing egg dates that way?

Different breeds also mature at different ages for laying too. Once one starts laying its not long before the others start. What breeds do you have?
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I found this on line.
with so may people interested in canonizing today, I thought I would share. McMurtry wants $51.85 for theirs. I think a scalpel with exchangeable blades (as suggested on another thread) is a good idea. You need a few things to put a razor edge on a knife. A leather strap, polishing rouge, best to have 2 grades. I used to be a wood carver, and my carving knifes were as sharp as razors. I spent hours sharpening blades, it took several knife blade to carve a duck.

I wouldn't buy any kind of set except the chinese ones. Poco Pollo on the Graphic Pics of my day of learning to caponize thread can get them for you. Let her know if you're interested. IMO
Different breeds also mature at different ages for laying too. Once one starts laying its not long before the others start. What breeds do you have?

Well, I started with five barnyard mixes, a cross of buff orpington, black australorp, and Rhode Island Red. But the man hand bantams on his property, and I think we ended up with a bunch of bantam barnyard mixes. Then we have a black copper marans, and five speckled sussex in quarantine.

I have no idea on any of their ages; the original five we've had for three weeks. I've gotten a lot of guesses...

Most of their combs are getting color and wattles are coming in. Only the biggest barnyard girl and the BCM are fully feathered. I can fit at least one finger in the pelvis on them all, and some have a little more wiggle room than others (finger and a half?).

I don't regret not starting with babies, because I don't think I could handle waiting that long. But I do wish I knew how old they were.
Well, I started with five barnyard mixes, a cross of buff orpington, black australorp, and Rhode Island Red. But the man hand bantams on his property, and I think we ended up with a bunch of bantam barnyard mixes. Then we have a black copper marans, and five speckled sussex in quarantine.

I have no idea on any of their ages; the original five we've had for three weeks. I've gotten a lot of guesses...

Most of their combs are getting color and wattles are coming in. Only the biggest barnyard girl and the BCM are fully feathered. I can fit at least one finger in the pelvis on them all, and some have a little more wiggle room than others (finger and a half?).

I don't regret not starting with babies, because I don't think I could handle waiting that long. But I do wish I knew how old they were.

Chickens in general start laying between 4 to 6 months. I have australorp's and they lay towards the 6 months old. Rhode Island reds around 5 months.their combs will get dark red before they start to lay.. Pam

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