"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Thanks for the welcome! I am not sure what kind of duck I want, are there any that make better pets than others? How much are they generally?
Welcome!! Good luck with your ducks!! I want Muscovy ducks one day when I get my pond dug!! You'll learn ALOT of great stuff from this list!!

Welome Bridgette!

You might try the La Market Bulletin -- here's the link, click on 'ads only' & scroll down to Poultry, there are usually ducks for sale there. Also your local feed store may get them in.


If you get them young & handle them a lot, they will be friendly & fun to have around. I have 2 1/2 runner ducks & 2 full bred runners.

Hey it can STOP RAINING any time now! honestly, we are about to float away here! That's OK, we're in March now & getting closer to spring!
All domesticated breeds are pretty friendly...ducklings imprint and if you plan to handle them often..they will follow you around etc...

Terri....I look at that ad all the time and totally agree with you...tired of the rain already
My chicks first full day out in the new brooder, and its gotta rain!
I have 2 1/2 runner ducks & 2 full bred runners.

Imagine me sitting here thinking how in the hell does she have 2 1/2 ducks?? I think I'm seriously getting a sinus infection and feel like crap so it took me a few reads to get it right in my head!! Definetly made me smile!! Ditto on the rain!! My fuzzies stayed out all day yesterday and enjoyed themselves sunning in the grass & taking dirt baths!! Supposedly after today it's not supposed to rain till next Monday!! Only thing we can do is keep our fingers crossed!!


Thanks Missi, it's been a *Monday* all day here at work & I needed the laugh too!

Actually, if you could see Ritz & Graham Quackers standing next to Slim Jim & Long Tall Salley, they DO look like only "1/2 a duck" lol! I'll have to try & get a pic to post.
Rain finally stopped here, crossing all the fingers for a nice rest-of-the-week!
Hey La-yers, just thought I'd chick-in and see how goes it. It's wet here and I'm definately still pondering on not worrying about getting the garden spot ready for planting and just going on ahead a ordering Bull frogs and crawfish to put in there instead of tomatoes and potatoes this spring,
. No really though it oughta be a good year for the frog and crawfish season, as I don't think they'll be in any danger of being caught in a famine anytime soon. Anyhoo, as Jerry Clower once said " when it dries out it'll be alright."

Glad the rain has stopped for some of ya'll. It started raining here Monday about 10:00 am and now it is Tuesday
3:15 am and STILL raining..not even a little break. Already very close to 2 inches if not more
by now.(not where I can check rain guage)
Need a little dry weather and sun. Just finished hatching out a bunch (over 100) baby and now
need a little cooperation from the weather.

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